vbox2template 1.28 KiB
# VirtualBox vbox => template converter v0.1
# by ulisse aka A. Livio Beccaria
# It replaces some info in a vbox file to
# make it suitable to be used as a template
# source folder
SRC_DIR="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))"
#include common code
. ${SRC_DIR}/settings/common
[ "$#" -eq 1 ] || usage_vbox2template "Error: template file required."
# include settings
. $SRC_DIR/settings/settings
# prepare template
cp "$1" "${TPL_FILE}"
sed -i 's@\(Machine.*uuid="\)\([^"]*\)\("\)@\1'"`echo "${UUID}"`"'\3@g' "${TPL_FILE}"
sed -i 's@\(Machine.*name="\)\([^"]*\)\("\)@\1'"`echo "${VM_NAME}"`"'\3@g' "${TPL_FILE}"
sed -i 's@\(Machine.*snapshotFolder="\)\([^"]*\)\("\)@\1'"`echo "${TMP_DIR}"`"'\3@g' "${TPL_FILE}"
sed -i 's@\(SharedFolder.*name="'"`echo "${SF_LINUX_NAME}"`"'".*hostPath="\)\([^"]*\)\("\)@\1'"`echo "${SF_LINUX_TARGET}"`"'\3@g' "${TPL_FILE}"
sed -i 's@\(SharedFolder.*name="'"`echo "${SF_MEDIA_NAME}"`"'".*hostPath="\)\([^"]*\)\("\)@\1'"`echo "${SF_MEDIA_TARGET}"`"'\3@g' "${TPL_FILE}"
if [ "${DIFF_DISK_FILE}" != "" ]; then
sed -i 's@\(HardDisk.*location="\)\([^"]*diff_[^"]*\)\("\)@\1'"`echo "${TMP_DIR}/${DIFF_DISK_FILE}"`"'\3@g' "${TPL_FILE}"
exit 0