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Commit ea215108 authored by Gianluca Mastrolonardo's avatar Gianluca Mastrolonardo
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parent dd38697b
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import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class testFracKnapsack {
void testCreate() {
double capacity = 10;
double[] volume = new double[(int) capacity];
double[] value = new double[(int) capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
volume[i] = i * 10;
value[i] = i * 2.2;
FracKnapsack knapsack = new FracKnapsack(capacity, volume, value);
void testOneElement() {
//capacità > volume elemento
double capacity = 7;
double[] volume = new double[(int) capacity];
double[] value = new double[(int) capacity];
value[0] = 10;
volume[0] = 3;
FracKnapsack knapsack = new FracKnapsack(capacity, volume, value);
Assertions.assertEquals(10, knapsack.maxVal());
Assertions.assertEquals(1, knapsack.dose(0));
//capacità < volume elemento
capacity = 2;
value[0] = 10;
volume[0] = 4;
FracKnapsack knapsack2 = new FracKnapsack(capacity, volume, value);
Assertions.assertEquals(5, knapsack2.maxVal());
Assertions.assertEquals(0.5, knapsack2.dose(0));
void testThreeElements() {
//1 test in cui somma di tutti i volumi < capacità
//es: valori = 2,5,1; volumi = 3,2,4; capacita = 10; quindi dosi= 1,1,1 valoreMassimo = 8
double capacity = 10;
double[] volume = new double[(int) capacity];
double[] value = new double[(int) capacity];
value[0] = 2;
value[1] = 5;
value[2] = 1;
volume[0] = 3;
volume[1] = 2;
volume[2] = 4;
FracKnapsack knapsack = new FracKnapsack(capacity, volume, value);
Assertions.assertEquals(8, knapsack.maxVal());
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
Assertions.assertEquals(1, knapsack.dose(i));
//1 test in cui si prende solo parte di un elemento
//(es: valori = 10,2,0.5; volumi = 70,12,3; capacita = 3;
//le soluzioni ottimali sono due: (0, 0.25, 0) oppure (0, 0, 1); valoreMassimo = 0.5)
capacity = 3;
value[0] = 10;
value[1] = 2;
value[2] = 0.5;
volume[0] = 70;
volume[1] = 12;
volume[2] = 3;
FracKnapsack knapsack2 = new FracKnapsack(capacity, volume, value);
Assertions.assertEquals(0.5, knapsack2.maxVal());
Assertions.assertTrue((knapsack2.dose(0) == 0 && knapsack2.dose(1) == 0.25 && knapsack2.dose(2) == 0) || ((knapsack2.dose(0) == 0) && knapsack2.dose(1) == 0) && knapsack2.dose(2) == 1);
//es: valori = 5,3,1; volumi = 4,3,4; capacita = 10;
//quindi dosi= 1.0 1.0 0.75 valoreMassimo = 8.75)
capacity = 10;
value[0] = 5;
value[1] = 3;
value[2] = 1;
volume[0] = 4;
volume[1] = 3;
volume[2] = 4;
FracKnapsack knapsack3 = new FracKnapsack(capacity, volume, value);
Assertions.assertEquals(8.75, knapsack3.maxVal());
Assertions.assertTrue(knapsack3.dose(0) == 1.0 && knapsack3.dose(1) == 1.0 && knapsack3.dose(2) == 0.75);
import it.uniupo.algoTools.MaxHeap;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class FracKnapsack {
private final double capacity;
private final double[] volume;
private final double[] value;
public FracKnapsack(double capacity, double[] volume, double[] value) {
this.capacity = capacity;
this.volume = volume;
this.value = value;
private double fracKnapsackImpl(double[] dose, double[] quant) {
double valTot = 0;
double remaningSpace = capacity;
MaxHeap<Integer, Double> maxHeap = new MaxHeap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < dose.length; ++i) {
maxHeap.add(i, value[i] / volume[i]);
while (!maxHeap.isEmpty() && remaningSpace > 0) {
// Estraggo il materiale con valore unitario massimo
int extractedMaterial = maxHeap.extractMax();
//Se posso prendererlo tutto senza riempite lo zaiono lo prendo tutto
if (remaningSpace >= volume[extractedMaterial]) {
dose[extractedMaterial] = 1;
quant[extractedMaterial] = volume[extractedMaterial];
valTot += value[extractedMaterial];
//Altrimenti ne prendo una frazione
else {
dose[extractedMaterial] = remaningSpace / volume[extractedMaterial];
quant[extractedMaterial] = remaningSpace;
valTot += (value[extractedMaterial] * dose[extractedMaterial]);
remaningSpace -= quant[extractedMaterial];
return valTot;
public double maxVal() {
double[] dose = new double[volume.length];
double[] quant = new double[volume.length];
return fracKnapsackImpl(dose, quant);
public double dose(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i > volume.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Valore di dose inserito errato");
double[] dose = new double[volume.length];
double[] quant = new double[volume.length];
fracKnapsackImpl(dose, quant);
return dose[i];
public boolean more(int i, int j) {
if ((i < 0 || i > volume.length) || (j < 0 || j > volume.length)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Valore di dose inserito errato");
double[] dose = new double[volume.length];
double[] quant = new double[volume.length];
fracKnapsackImpl(dose, quant);
return quant[i] > quant[j];
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
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