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Commit 4f596e42 authored by Gianluca Mastrolonardo's avatar Gianluca Mastrolonardo
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Add Lab6 and Lab5 need fix

parent 1355e66c
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......@@ -75,5 +75,10 @@ class TestLab {
DirectedGraph cyclicGraph = new DirectedGraph("3; 0 1; 1 2; 2 0");
DFS dfsCyclicTest = new DFS(cyclicGraph);
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> dfsCyclicTest.topologicalOrderDag());
//Da sistemare, bisogna usare ordine fine visita invece che array di padri (per grafi orientati)
DirectedGraph cyclicGraph2 = new DirectedGraph("2; 0 1; 1 0;");
DFS dfsCyclicTest2 = new DFS(cyclicGraph2);
Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> dfsCyclicTest2.topologicalOrderDag());
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import it.uniupo.graphLib.DirectedGraph;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class TestVoli {
public void testTempo() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
int tempo = testVoli.tempo(0, 2);
assertEquals(6, tempo);
graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
tempo = testVoli.tempo(0, 2);
assertEquals(-1, tempo);
public void testTempoExc1() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
Assertions.assertThrows(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
testVoli.tempo(-1, 2);
public void testTempoExc2() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
Assertions.assertThrows(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
testVoli.tempo(0, 3);
public void testScali() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
int scali = testVoli.scali(0, 2);
assertEquals(0, scali);
graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
scali = testVoli.scali(0, 2);
assertEquals(-1, scali);
public void testScaliExc() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
Assertions.assertThrows(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
testVoli.scali(-1, 2);
public void testTempoMinimo() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
int tempoMinimo = testVoli.tempoMinimo(0, 2);
assertEquals(4, tempoMinimo);
graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
tempoMinimo = testVoli.tempoMinimo(0, 2);
assertEquals(-1, tempoMinimo);
public void testTempoMinimoExc() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
Assertions.assertThrows(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
testVoli.tempoMinimo(-1, 2);
public void testPercorsoTempoMinimo() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
ArrayList<Edge> percTempMin = testVoli.trattaVeloce(0, 2);
assertEquals(2, percTempMin.size());
assertEquals(percTempMin.get(0), new Edge(0, 1));
assertEquals(percTempMin.get(1), new Edge(1, 2));
graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
percTempMin = testVoli.trattaVeloce(0, 2);
assertTrue(percTempMin == null);
percTempMin = testVoli.trattaVeloce(0, 1);
assertEquals(1, percTempMin.size());
assertEquals(percTempMin.get(0), new Edge(0, 1));
public void testPercorsoScaliMinimo() {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3;0 2 6;1 2 1");
Voli testVoli = new Voli(graph);
ArrayList<Integer> percScaliMin = testVoli.elencoScali(0, 2);
assertEquals(0, percScaliMin.size());
graph = new DirectedGraph("3;0 1 3");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
percScaliMin = testVoli.elencoScali(0, 2);
assertTrue(percScaliMin == null);
graph = new DirectedGraph("1");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
percScaliMin = testVoli.elencoScali(0, 0);
assertEquals(0, percScaliMin.size());
graph = new DirectedGraph("4; 2 1 1; 1 0 4; 2 3 2; 1 3 3;3 0 2");
testVoli = new Voli(graph);
percScaliMin = testVoli.elencoScali(2, 0);
assertEquals(1, percScaliMin.size());
assertEquals(1, percScaliMin.get(0).intValue());
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import it.uniupo.graphLib.DirectedGraph;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
DirectedGraph graph = new DirectedGraph("3; 0 1; ");
//Voli v = new Voli("3");
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import it.uniupo.algoTools.MinHeap;
import it.uniupo.graphLib.DirectedGraph;
import it.uniupo.graphLib.Edge;
import it.uniupo.graphLib.GraphInterface;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
public class Voli {
private DirectedGraph myCollegamenti;
private boolean[] founded;
public Voli(DirectedGraph collegamenti) {
this.myCollegamenti = collegamenti;
this.founded = new boolean[myCollegamenti.getOrder()];
private int[] dijkstra(int sorg) {
int[] distance = new int[myCollegamenti.getOrder()];
Arrays.fill(distance, -1);
founded[sorg] = true;
distance[sorg] = 0;
MinHeap<Edge, Integer> heap = new MinHeap<Edge, Integer>();
for (Edge e : myCollegamenti.getOutEdges(sorg)) {
heap.add(e, distance[sorg] + e.getWeight());
while (!heap.isEmpty()) {
Edge heapReturnedEdge = heap.extractMin(); //arco (u,w), u alla prima iterazione è uguale a sorg
int nodeU = heapReturnedEdge.getTail();
int nodeW = heapReturnedEdge.getHead();
if (!founded[nodeW]) {
founded[nodeW] = true;
distance[nodeW] = distance[nodeU] + heapReturnedEdge.getWeight();
for (Edge e : myCollegamenti.getOutEdges(nodeW)) {
heap.add(e, distance[nodeW] + e.getWeight());
return distance;
private int[] bfs(int sorg) {
if (sorg >= this.myCollegamenti.getOrder()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sorgente errata");
founded[sorg] = true;
int[] bfsDistance = new int[myCollegamenti.getOrder()];
Arrays.fill(bfsDistance, -1);
bfsDistance[sorg] = 0;
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int u = q.remove();
for (int v : myCollegamenti.getNeighbors(u)) {
if (!founded[v]) {
founded[v] = true;
bfsDistance[v] = bfsDistance[u] + 1;
return bfsDistance;
private int[] bfsTime(int sorg) {
if (sorg >= this.myCollegamenti.getOrder()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sorgente errata");
founded[sorg] = true;
int[] bfsDistanceWeigth = new int[myCollegamenti.getOrder()];
Arrays.fill(bfsDistanceWeigth, -1);
bfsDistanceWeigth[sorg] = 0;
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int u = q.remove();
for (Edge uv : myCollegamenti.getOutEdges(u)) {
int v = uv.getHead();
if (!founded[v]) {
founded[v] = true;
bfsDistanceWeigth[v] = bfsDistanceWeigth[u] + uv.getWeight();
return bfsDistanceWeigth;
public int tempoMinimo(int partenza, int destinazione) {
if (partenza >= myCollegamenti.getOrder() || destinazione >= myCollegamenti.getOrder() || partenza <= -1 || destinazione <= -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aereoporto di partenza o di destinazione non esite");
Arrays.fill(founded, false);
int[] d = dijkstra(partenza);
return d[destinazione];
public int scali(int partenza, int destinazione) {
if (partenza >= myCollegamenti.getOrder() || destinazione >= myCollegamenti.getOrder() || partenza <= -1 || destinazione <= -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aereoporto di partenza o di destinazione non esite");
int[] res = bfs(partenza);
if (partenza == destinazione) return 0;
if (res[destinazione] != -1) return --res[destinazione];
else return res[destinazione];
public int tempo(int partenza, int destinazione) {
if (partenza >= myCollegamenti.getOrder() || destinazione >= myCollegamenti.getOrder() || partenza <= -1 || destinazione <= -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aereoporto di partenza o di destinazione non esite");
Arrays.fill(founded, false);
return bfsTime(partenza)[destinazione];
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