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In these directories, we put all the source code used during the
Cloud Computing course at the University of Piemonte Orientale (Italy).
This educational material is part of the other material that you can find
in the web site called "Teaching Cloud Computing":
The scripts proposed are related to
- Apache libcloud, Boto, the multi-cloud libraries since we are
interested in avoiding the lock-in problem.
- chi: a library for OpenStack provided by Chameleon project since we are interested on open source projects
To use the libcloud scripts, you have to install the library by run the following command:
$ pip3 install --user apache-libcloud
To use the boto scripts, you have to install the library by run the following command:
$ pip3 install --user boto3
To use the chi scripts, you have to install the library by run the following command:
$ pip3 install --user python-chi
For support or comment:
# Author: Andrea Santomauro
# Email:
# Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale
# The aim of this library is to provide a Resouce Monitor for the VM in CHI envirorment.
# The main function is 'monitor()' in 'ResourcesMonitor' class, which works as follow:
# - It takes as input a metric to monitor (e.g. load@load, the metric about CPU usage), the threshold, the number of measures, a value k and
# other params about the instance to monitor (the id) and the new instance to spawn, if needed
# - When it's called, it will look at the last 'measures_number'; if k of the measuremente is higher than the threshold specified, then
# it'll be spawn a new VM (with the params specified as input) and it will assign a floating IP (if there's a fip avaible, otherwise a new fip will be required
# and then associated)
# - e.g. monitor('load@load', XXX, 0.5, 5, 3) if the load is bigger then 0.5 at least 3 times in the last 5 measures, then start a new VM.
# The class GnocchiInterface is a wrapper of gnocchi library, which contains only the needed functionality
# The class TaccInterface is a wrapper of chi library, provided by ChameleonCloud. It adds some necessary busy waiting and exception handling in order
# to avoid runtime errors and crashes.
import chi
from chi import lease
from chi import server
from time import sleep
import json
class GnocchiInterface():
def __init__(self):
self.session = chi.session()
self.gnocchi_client = chi.gnocchi(self.session)
# Returns a list of available metrics for the instance identified by 'instance_id'
def get_metrics_for_instance(self, instance_id, resource_type='generic'):
return self.gnocchi_client.resource.get(resource_type=resource_type,resource_id=instance_id)['metrics']
def get_metric_value(self, metric, instance_id):
return self.gnocchi_client.metric.get(metric, resource_id=instance_id)
# Returns a list of the measurement of a specific metric, instance identified by 'instance_id', at a certain granularity
def get_metric_measures(self, metric, instance_id, granularity=None):
return self.gnocchi_client.metric.get_measures(metric, resource_id=instance_id, granularity = granularity)
class TACCInterface():
# In order to start an instance in CHI envirorment it's necessary to:
# - Request a lease
# - Wait for the lease activation
# - Create an instance associated to the lease
# - Wait for the instance activation
# - Associate a floating IP in order to get the VM reacheable from the outside.
# All this work is done by methods in this class, the names are self-explicative
def __init__(self, image_name, node_count, server_name,lease_name, key_name):
self.reservations = []
self.image_name = image_name
self.node_count = node_count
self.server_name = server_name
self.lease_name = lease_name
self.key_name = key_name
def create_lease(self):, count=self.node_count, node_type=node_type)
start_date, end_date =
lease =, self.reservations, start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
return lease
def get_lease_id(self, lease):
return lease['reservations'][0]['lease_id']
def wait_lease_activation(self, lease_id):
activated = False
while not activated:
activated = True
print('[LEASE ' + self.lease_name + ' IS NOW ACTIVE]')
def create_instance(self, lease_id):
reservation_id =
server = chi.server.create_server(self.server_name, reservation_id=reservation_id,
image_name=self.image_name, count=self.node_count, key_name=self.key_name)
self.server = server
def wait_server_activation(self):
activated = False
while not activated:
activated = True
print('[INSTANCE ' + self.server_name + ' IS NOW ACTIVE]')
def associate_fip(self,server_id):
class ResourcesMonitor():
def __init__(self, tacc, gnocchi_interface):
self.tacc = tacc
self.gnocchi_interface = gnocchi_interface
# Monitor a specific resource for the last 'measures_number'. If k times the value is upper then threshold, start a new VM.
# E.g. monitor('load@load', XXX, 0.5, 5, 3) if the load is bigger then 0.5 at least 3 times in the last 5 measures, then start a new VM.
def monitor(self, metric, instance_id, threshold, measures_number, k, lease_name, node_type, image_name, server_name, node_count=1, granularity=60):
l = self.gnocchi_interface.get_metric_measures(metric, instance_id=instance_id, granularity=granularity)
last_measurement = l[-measures_number:]
count = 0
for m in last_measurement:
if m[2] > threshold:
count += 1
if count >= k:
return self.start_new_VM(lease_name, node_type, node_count, image_name, server_name)
return False
# Using the TACCInterface class, it will start a new VM in order to balance the resource
def start_new_VM(self, lease_name, node_type, image_name, server_name, node_count=1):
lease = self.tacc.create_lease()
lease_id = self.tacc.get_lease_id(lease)
raise Exception('Error during creation of VM')
return True
# Here a brief example of the usage
lease_name = "my-lease-2"
node_type = "compute_haswell"
node_count = 1
image_name = "CC-CentOS7"
server_name = 'instance-2'
# NOTE: before using this script it's mandatory to execute the command "source CH-XXX" in order to authenticate yourself.
# NOTE: it's mandatory to substitute YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME with the name of your own keypair name and INSTANCE_ID with the id of the instance to monitor
# NOTE: you can use the metric you want from the metrics available for the instance identified by instance id.
tacc = TACCInterface(image_name,node_count,server_name,lease_name, 'YOUR_KEY_PAIR_NAME')
gnocchi_interface = GnocchiInterface()
resource_monitor = ResourcesMonitor(tacc, gnocchi_interface)
resource_monitor.monitor('load@load','INSTANCE_ID', 0.4, 5, 2, lease_name, node_type, image_name, server_name, node_count, 60)
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
cls = get_driver(Provider.EC2)
#driver = cls('', '', region='us-east-1')
driver = cls('access key', 'secret key', region='availability zone')
images = driver.list_images()
i = 1
for image in images:
if is not None: #AWS prints "None" as name for some items
i += 1
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
ComputeEngine = get_driver(Provider.GCE)
# The ComputeEngine function should look like this:
#driver = ComputeEngine('', '/home/mex/work/teaching/hpc/code/cloud-computing-class-disit-b82e0457d6c8.json',
# project='cloud-computing-class-disit',
# datacenter='us-central1-a')
driver = ComputeEngine('your_service_account_email', 'path_to_pem_file',
images = driver.list_images()
i = 1
for image in images:
i += 1
# This scripts work on OpenStack cloud platform provided by Chameleon
# Project (
# Most of the parameters you need to set here are provided by
# file that you can download from Horizon OpenStack dashboard.
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
auth_username = '<INSERT OS_USERNAME'
auth_password = '<INSERT PASSWORD>'
project_name = '<INSERT PROJECT NAME'> # It looks like CH-XXXXX
auth_url = '<INSERT OS_AUT_URL>' # It looks like
region_name = '<INSERT OS_REGION_NAME' # It looks like KVM@TACC
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(auth_username,auth_password,ex_force_auth_url=auth_url,ex_force_auth_version='3.x_password',ex_tenant_name=project_name,ex_force_service_region=region_name,api_version='2.1')
image_id = '<INSERT THE IMAGE ID>' # For example 'b89f851a-d32a-410c-bf75-9deb2b1c2b63' corresponds to CENTOS 7
image = conn.get_image(image_id)
flavor_id = '<INSERT FLAVOR ID>' # For example '3'corresponds to m1.medium
flavor = conn.ex_get_size(flavor_id)
instance = conn.create_node(name='PracticeInstance', image=image, size=flavor) # Launch the instance. Please note that this
# is a very basic way to launch an image
# without providing key pairs ID or security
# group ID.
# This scripts work on OpenStack cloud platform provided by Chameleon
# Project (
# Most of the parameters you need to set here are provided by
# file that you can download from Horizon OpenStack dashboard.
# If you need help, visit
# Before to run this script you must:
# 1) Download the OpenStack RC file
# 2) run 'source <openrc file>' and input your CLI password
# 3) run 'openstack token issue'
# 4) replace <token> below with the token you get from the openstack command
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
auth_username = 'your_username'
auth_password = 'your_passwors'
project_name = 'your_project_name' # It should look like CH-XXXXX or CCC-19/20
auth_url = '' # It should look like
region_name = 'KVM@TACC' # It should looks like KVM@TACC
cls = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
driver = cls(auth_username,auth_password,
images = driver.list_images()
i = 1
for image in images:
i += 1
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
description: Simple template to deploy a single compute instance
type: OS::Nova::Server
key_name: <keypair_name>
image: 86b31e7a-2d19-4249-aeb7-28337fecdde7
flavor: m1.small
- network: sharednet1
- default
availability_zone: nova
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