"use strict"; import Luci from "../luci.js"; import Scenari from "../scenari.js"; import Antifurto from "../antifurto.js"; import ApiMqttOut from "./api-mqtt-out.js"; class Api { static isConnected = false; static baseURL = "/api/"; // /api/luci/ /** * gets the luci of the user from the server * @returns {*} all the lights of the user */ static getLuci = () => { console.log('ciao'); ApiMqttOut.getStatusLuci(); }; static sendLuciWeb = luci => { console.log('ciao'); Luci.luciFromMqtt(luci); } // static callbackGetAllLuci = null; static getAllLuci = () => { console.log('ciao'); ApiMqttOut.getAllLuci(); } static sendDataLuciWeb = luci => { console.log('ciao'); Luci.luciFromMqtt(luci); } static luceMakeNewLuci = null; static callbackMakeNewLuci = null; /** * adds a new luce to the server * @param {luceTemplate} luce the luce to add to the server * @returns {*} null if the light was added */ static makeNewLuci = luce => { console.log('ciao'); if (luce == null) throw new Error("luce must be defined"); /*const url = Api.baseURL + "luci/"; const response = await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(luce) }); if (response.ok) return null; else throw await response.json();*/ Api.luceMakeNewLuci = luce; ApiMqttOut.makeNewLuci(luce); } static sendWebNewLuci = luce => { console.log('ciao'); const oldLuce = Api.luceMakeNewLuci; if (oldLuce !== luce) { console.log('le luci non corrispondono', { oldLuce, luce }); } Luci.showCreatedLight(luce); } static callbackLuciStatoToBeStatic = null; static toggleForLuciStato = null; static fixedCallbackLuciStato = null; // /api/luci/stato/ /** * changes the status of a luce on the server * @param {luceTemplate} luce the luce to change the status of * @returns {*} null if the light's status was changed */ static setLuciStato = (luce, toggle, callback) => { console.log('ciao'); if (Api.fixedCallbackLuciStato == null) return; if (luce == null) throw new Error("luce must be defined"); if (toggle == null) throw new Error("toggle must be defined"); if (callback == null) throw new Error("callback must be defined"); if(Api.callbackLuciStatoToBeStatic == null) Api.callbackLuciStatoToBeStatic = callback; Api.toggleForLuciStato = toggle; ApiMqttOut.setLuciStato(luce); } static sendLuciStatoWeb = response => { console.log('ciao'); if (response == null) { const toggle = Api.toggleForLuciStato; Api.toggleForLuciStato = null; Api.callbackLuciStatoToBeStatic(toggle); } else { Api.fixedCallbackLuciStato(response); } } // /api/scenari/ /** * gets the scenari of the user from the server * @returns {*} all the scenarios of the user */ static getScenari = () => { console.log('ciao'); ApiMqttOut.getAllFromScenari(); }; static sendScenariWeb = scenari => { console.log('ciao'); Scenari.mostraScenariServer(scenari); } static setAntifurtoINbtnFromScenari = newINbtn => { console.log('ciao'); console.log(newINbtn) if(newINbtn == null || newINbtn?.nome == null) throw new Error("newINbtn must be defined"); ApiMqttOut.setAntifurtoINbtnFromScenari(newINbtn.nome); } // /api/scenari/attiva/ static scenarioSetScenarioStatus = null; static activatingSetScenarioStatus = null; /** * activates or deactivates a scenario on the server * @param {scenarioTemplate} scenario the scenario to activate or deactivate * @returns {*} null if the scenario was activated or deactivated */ static setScenarioStatus = (scenario, activating) => { console.log('ciao'); if (scenario == null) throw new Error("scenario must be defined"); if (activating == null) throw new Error("activating must be defined"); Api.scenarioSetScenarioStatus = scenario; Api.activatingSetScenarioStatus = activating; ApiMqttOut.setScenarioStatus(scenario); }; static sendWebNewScenarioStatus = scenarioNome => { console.log('ciao'); const scenario = Api.scenarioSetScenarioStatus; const activating = Api.activatingSetScenarioStatus; Api.scenarioSetScenarioStatus = null; Api.activatingSetScenarioStatus = null; if(scenario == null || activating == null) return; // FIXME forse dovrei controllare scenarioNome console.log(scenario) if (scenarioNome.startsWith(scenario.nome)) Scenari.showScenarioAfterToggling(scenario, activating,true); } // /api/scenari/registra/ static recordingRecordScenario = null; static learnINBtnRecordScenario = null; /** * starts/stop the recording of a scenario * @param {Boolean} recording true to start the recording, false to stop it * @returns {*} null if the recording was started or stopped */ static recordScenario = (recording, learnINBtn) => { console.log('ciao'); if (recording == null) throw new Error("recording must be defined"); if (learnINBtn == null) throw new Error("learnINBtn must be defined"); Api.recordingRecordScenario = recording;//true se voglio registrare Api.learnINBtnRecordScenario = learnINBtn; console.log(learnINBtn) ApiMqttOut.recordScenario(learnINBtn.nome); } static retriesRecordScenario = 0; static sendWebScenarioAutoma = stato => { console.log('ciao'); if(isNaN(stato)) return; const recording = Api.recordingRecordScenario; // const statoAspettato = recording ? 1 : 0; if (recording != null && stato !== recording && Api.retriesRecordScenario < 3) { Api.retriesRecordScenario++; ApiMqttOut.recordScenario(Api.learnINBtnRecordScenario); return; } Api.recordingRecordScenario = null; Api.learnINBtnRecordScenario = null; Api.retriesRecordScenario = 0; Scenari.apiCallbackRecordScenario(recording); } // /api/scenari/salva/ /** * tells the server to save the currently recorded scenario * @returns {*} the scenario if it was saved */ static saveScenario = nome => { console.log('ciao'); if (nome == null) throw new Error("nome must be defined"); ApiMqttOut.saveScenario(nome); }; static sendWebSavedScenario = scenario => { console.log('ciao'); Scenari.saveScenarioCallback(scenario); } // /api/antifurto/ /** * gets everything about the antifurto (stato, allarme, attenzione (valore progress bar), soglia, sensori) * @returns {*} the antifurto's values */ static getAntifurto = () => { console.log('ciao'); ApiMqttOut.getAntifurto(); }; static sendWebGetAntifurto = antifurto => { console.log('ciao'); Antifurto.mostraAntifurtoServer(antifurto); } // /api/antifurto/stato/ /** * gets the status of the antifurto * @returns {*} the antifurto's status */ /*static getAntifurtoStatus = async () => { console.log('ciao'); const url = Api.baseURL + "antifurto/stato/"; const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); if (response.ok) return data; else throw data; };*/ // static newStatusSetAntifurtoStatus = null; // static antifurtoINbtnSetAntifurtoStatus = null; static payloadSetAntifurtoStatus = null; /** * sets the status of the antifurto * @param {Boolean} status the new status of the antifurto * @returns {*} null if the status was changed */ static setAntifurtoStatus = payload => { console.log('ciao'); if (payload == null) throw new Error("payload must be defined"); // Api.newStatusSetAntifurtoStatus = newStatus; // Api.antifurtoINbtnSetAntifurtoStatus = antifurtoINbtn; Api.payloadSetAntifurtoStatus = payload; console.log(Antifurto.attivaAntifurtoINbtn) const nomeIN = Antifurto.attivaAntifurtoINbtn != null ? Antifurto.attivaAntifurtoINbtn.nome : Scenari.antifurtoINbtn.nome; ApiMqttOut.setAntifurtoStatus(nomeIN); }; static retriesSetAntifurtoStatus = 0; static sendWebSetAntifurtoStatus = stato => { console.log('ciao'); if(stato === NaN) return; const newStatus = !Antifurto.status; const expectedStatus = newStatus ? 2 : 0; console.log(Antifurto.attivaAntifurtoINbtn) const nomeIN = Antifurto.attivaAntifurtoINbtn != null ? Antifurto.attivaAntifurtoINbtn.nome : Scenari.antifurtoINbtn.nome; if (stato !== expectedStatus && Api.retriesSetAntifurtoStatus < 3) { Api.retriesSetAntifurtoStatus++; ApiMqttOut.setAntifurtoStatus(nomeIN); return; } const payload = Api.payloadSetAntifurtoStatus; // Api.newStatusSetAntifurtoStatus = null; // Api.antifurtoINbtnSetAntifurtoStatus = null; Api.payloadSetAntifurtoStatus = null; Api.retriesSetAntifurtoStatus = 0; Antifurto.showChangeAntifurtoStatus(payload?.previousStatus ? payload?.previousStatus : Antifurto.status, newStatus, payload?.fromScenari ? payload?.fromScenari : false, payload?.fromServer ? payload?.fromServer : true); } // /api/antifurto/allarme/ /** * gets the status of the antifurto's alarm * @returns {*} the antifurto's alarm status */ /*static getAntifurtoAllarme = async () => { console.log('ciao'); const url = Api.baseURL + "antifurto/allarme/"; const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); if (response.ok) return data; else throw data; };*/ static fixedCallbackStatoAllarme = null; /** * sets the status of the antifurto's alarm * @param {Boolean} allarme the new status of the antifurto's alarm * @returns {*} null if the status was changed */ static setAntifurtoAllarme = allarme => { console.log('ciao'); // const booleanAlarm = allarme == 'true'; if (allarme == null || Api.fixedCallbackStatoAllarme == null) return; Api.fixedCallbackStatoAllarme(allarme); }; // /api/antifurto/attenzione/ static fixedCallbackValoreAttenzione = null; /** * sets the status for the progress bar of the antifurto's alarm * @param {Number} attenzione the new value of the antifurto's attention * @returns {*} null if the value was changed */ static setAntifurtoAttenzione = attenzione => { console.log('ciao'); if (attenzione == null || isNaN(parseInt(attenzione)) || Api.fixedCallbackValoreAttenzione == null) return; const val = parseInt(attenzione); Api.fixedCallbackValoreAttenzione(val); }; // /api/antifurto/soglia/ static sogliaSetAntifurtoSoglia = null; static fromServerSetAntifurtoSoglia = null; static callbackSetAntifurtoSoglia = null; /** * sets the value of the antifurto's threshold * @param {Number} soglia the user's value of the antifurto's threshold * @returns {*} null if the value was changed */ static setAntifurtoSoglia = (soglia, fromServer) => { console.log('ciao'); if (soglia == null || isNaN(parseInt(soglia))) throw new Error("soglia must be a set integer"); const val = parseInt(soglia); if (val < 0 || val > 100) throw new Error("soglia must be between 0 and 100"); if (fromServer == null) throw new Error("fromServer must be defined"); Api.sogliaSetAntifurtoSoglia = val; Api.fromServerSetAntifurtoSoglia = fromServer; ApiMqttOut.setAntifurtoSoglia(val); }; static sendWebSoglia = soglia => { console.log('ciao'); const expectedSoglia = Api.sogliaSetAntifurtoSoglia; if (expectedSoglia !== soglia) { console.log('soglie differenti', { expectedSoglia, soglia }); } const fromServer = Api.fromServerSetAntifurtoSoglia; Api.sogliaSetAntifurtoSoglia = null; Api.fromServerSetAntifurtoSoglia = null; Antifurto.showEditsSoglia(soglia, fromServer); } } export default Api;