diff --git a/src/FERRON_relazione.tex b/src/FERRON_relazione.tex
index 9aaf5b6d1c0e795563fc92f75c69798b659c9706..013c9647d25b24374f917ccd775879f07da8c5ff 100644
--- a/src/FERRON_relazione.tex
+++ b/src/FERRON_relazione.tex
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ evenboxes,%
 \setmathfont{XITS Math}% font matematici UNICODE che van bene con i Times
 \setmathfont[range={\mathcal,\mathbfcal},StylisticSet=1,partial=upright]{XITS Math}
@@ -78,8 +80,6 @@ natbib
 % \AfterEndPreamble{\input{preamble/workarounds/issue-1041.tex}} % uncomment with biblatex 3.15 or 3.15a
 \unless\ifcsname ver@hyperref.sty\endcsname\usepackage{hyperref}\fi
diff --git a/src/references.bib b/src/references.bib
index 2f14f2178847cda3d4af43288e1ab0005fa351de..bf1b41372883eca30229a6aa226aa68403a87f1c 100644
--- a/src/references.bib
+++ b/src/references.bib
@@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
 % Encoding: UTF-8
-  author    = {{Microsoft Corporation}},
-  date      = {1992-11},
-  title     = {Microsoft Access},
-  url       = {https://office.microsoft.com/access},
-  urldate   = {2020-08-25},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Microsoft Corporation}},
+  date         = {1992-11},
+  title        = {Microsoft Access},
+  url          = {https://office.microsoft.com/access},
+  urldate      = {2020-08-25},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{OSM Development Team}},
-  date       = {2005-08},
-  title      = {Joomla!},
-  url        = {https://www.joomla.org/},
-  urldate    = {2020-08-26},
-  license    = {GPL-2.0},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{OSM Development Team}},
+  date         = {2005-08},
+  title        = {Joomla!},
+  url          = {https://www.joomla.org/},
+  urldate      = {2020-08-26},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {GPL-2.0},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms},
-  author    = {Mullenweg, Matt},
-  date      = {2003-05},
-  title     = {WordPress},
-  url       = {https://wordpress.org/},
-  urldate   = {2020-08-26},
-  license   = {GPL-2.0+},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Mullenweg, Matt},
+  date         = {2003-05},
+  title        = {WordPress},
+  url          = {https://wordpress.org/},
+  urldate      = {2020-08-26},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {GPL-2.0+},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{WPScan Team}},
-  date       = {2011},
-  title      = {wpscan},
-  url        = {https://wpscan.org/},
-  urldate    = {2020-09-01},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{WPScan Team}},
+  date         = {2011},
+  title        = {wpscan},
+  url          = {https://wpscan.org/},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-01},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan},
-  author     = {{Magento Inc.}},
-  date       = {2008-05},
-  title      = {Magento},
-  url        = {https://magento.com/},
-  urldate    = {2020-09-01},
-  license    = {OSL-3.0},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/magento/magento2},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Magento Inc.}},
+  date         = {2008-05},
+  title        = {Magento},
+  url          = {https://magento.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-01},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {OSL-3.0},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/magento/magento2},
-  author    = {Sommerville, Ian},
-  title     = {Ingegneria del software},
-  isbn      = {9788891902245},
-  language  = {italian},
-  publisher = {Pearson Italia},
-  address   = {Milano Torino},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
-  year      = {2017},
+  author       = {Sommerville, Ian},
+  title        = {Ingegneria del software},
+  isbn         = {9788891902245},
+  language     = {italian},
+  publisher    = {Pearson Italia},
+  address      = {Milano Torino},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  year         = {2017},
-  author    = {Richardson, Chris},
-  date      = {2019-06-01},
-  title     = {Microservice Patterns},
-  isbn      = {1617294543},
-  language  = {english},
-  publisher = {Manning},
-  url       = {https://www.ebook.de/de/product/29971389/chris_richardson_microservice_patterns.html},
-  ean       = {9781617294549},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
-  year      = {2019},
+  author       = {Richardson, Chris},
+  date         = {2019-06-01},
+  title        = {Microservice Patterns},
+  isbn         = {1617294543},
+  language     = {english},
+  publisher    = {Manning},
+  url          = {https://www.ebook.de/de/product/29971389/chris_richardson_microservice_patterns.html},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  ean          = {9781617294549},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  year         = {2019},
-  author    = {{PCI Security Standards Council}},
-  date      = {2018-05},
-  title     = {Settore delle carte di pagamento (PCI) Standard di protezione dei dati (DSS)},
-  language  = {italian},
-  subtitle  = {Requisiti e procedure di valutazione della sicurezza},
-  type      = {standard},
-  url       = {https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/PCI_DSS_v3-2-1_IT.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-09-28},
-  version   = {3.2.1},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{PCI Security Standards Council}},
+  date         = {2018-05},
+  title        = {Settore delle carte di pagamento (PCI) Standard di protezione dei dati (DSS)},
+  language     = {italian},
+  subtitle     = {Requisiti e procedure di valutazione della sicurezza},
+  type         = {standard},
+  url          = {https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/PCI_DSS_v3-2-1_IT.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-28},
+  version      = {3.2.1},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{Oracle Corporation}},
-  date       = {2006},
-  title      = {MySQL Workbench Community Edition},
-  url        = {https://www.mysql.com/it/products/workbench/},
-  urldate    = {2020-09-28},
-  license    = {GPL-2.0},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/mysql/mysql-workbench},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Oracle Corporation}},
+  date         = {2006},
+  title        = {MySQL Workbench Community Edition},
+  url          = {https://www.mysql.com/it/products/workbench/},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-28},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {GPL-2.0},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/mysql/mysql-workbench},
-  author    = {{Software Freedom Conservancy}},
-  title     = {\emph{SeleniumHQ Browser Automation}},
-  url       = {https://www.selenium.dev/},
-  urldate   = {2020-09-28},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Software Freedom Conservancy}},
+  title        = {\emph{SeleniumHQ Browser Automation}},
+  url          = {https://www.selenium.dev/},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-28},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{OWASP}},
-  title      = {AntiSamy},
-  url        = {https://owasp.org/www-project-antisamy/},
-  urldate    = {2020-09-28},
-  license    = {BSD-3-Clause},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/nahsra/antisamy},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{OWASP}},
+  title        = {AntiSamy},
+  url          = {https://owasp.org/www-project-antisamy/},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-28},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {BSD-3-Clause},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/nahsra/antisamy},
-  author    = {{Google}},
-  date      = {2010},
-  title     = {Guava},
-  url       = {https://github.com/google/guava},
-  urldate   = {2020-09-28},
-  license   = {Apache-2.0},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Google}},
+  date         = {2010},
+  title        = {Guava},
+  url          = {https://github.com/google/guava},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-28},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {Apache-2.0},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{The phpMyAdmin Project}},
-  date       = {1998},
-  title      = {phpMyAdmin},
-  url        = {https://www.phpmyadmin.net/},
-  urldate    = {2020-09-30},
-  license    = {GPL-2.0},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{The phpMyAdmin Project}},
+  date         = {1998},
+  title        = {phpMyAdmin},
+  url          = {https://www.phpmyadmin.net/},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-30},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {GPL-2.0},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin},
-  author     = {{VMware, Inc.}},
-  subtitle   = {Spring Framework},
-  url        = {https://spring.io/projects/spring-framework},
-  date       = {2004-01},
-  license    = {Apache-2.0},
-  repository = {https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework},
-  urldate    = {2020-09-30},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
-  title      = {Spring},
+  author       = {{VMware, Inc.}},
+  subtitle     = {Spring Framework},
+  url          = {https://spring.io/projects/spring-framework},
+  date         = {2004-01},
+  license      = {Apache-2.0},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework},
+  urldate      = {2020-09-30},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  title        = {Spring},
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
   url          = {https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8018.txt},
   urldate      = {2020-10-05},
   abstract     = {This document provides recommendations for the implementation of password-based cryptography, covering key derivation functions, encryption schemes, message authentication schemes, and ASN.1 syntax identifying the techniques. This document represents a republication of PKCS \#5 v2.1 from RSA Laboratories' Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) series. By publishing this RFC, change control is transferred to the IETF. This document also obsoletes RFC 2898.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
   howpublished = {RFC 8018},
   owner        = {lorenzo},
   publisher    = {RFC Editor},
   series       = {Request for Comments},
-  timestamp    = {2020-10-05},
@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@
   url          = {https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5321.txt},
   urldate      = {2020-10-05},
   abstract     = {This document is a specification of the basic protocol for Internet electronic mail transport. It consolidates, updates, and clarifies several previous documents, making all or parts of most of them obsolete. It covers the SMTP extension mechanisms and best practices for the contemporary Internet, but does not provide details about particular extensions. Although SMTP was designed as a mail transport and delivery protocol, this specification also contains information that is important to its use as a "mail submission" protocol for "split-UA" (User Agent) mail reading systems and mobile environments. {[}STANDARDS-TRACK{]}},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
   howpublished = {RFC 5321},
   owner        = {lorenzo},
   publisher    = {RFC Editor},
   series       = {Request for Comments},
-  timestamp    = {2020-10-05},
@@ -213,252 +213,252 @@
   url          = {https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3696.txt},
   urldate      = {2020-10-05},
   abstract     = {Many Internet applications have been designed to deduce top-level domains (or other domain name labels) from partial information. The introduction of new top-level domains, especially non-country-code ones, has exposed flaws in some of the methods used by these applications. These flaws make it more difficult, or impossible, for users of the applications to access the full Internet. This memo discusses some of the techniques that have been used and gives some guidance for minimizing their negative impact as the domain name environment evolves. This document draws summaries of the applicable rules together in one place and supplies references to the actual standards. This memo provides information for the Internet community.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
   howpublished = {RFC 3696},
   owner        = {lorenzo},
   publisher    = {RFC Editor},
   series       = {Request for Comments},
-  timestamp    = {2020-10-05},
-  author     = {{The jQuery Team}},
-  date       = {2006-01},
-  title      = {jQuery},
-  url        = {https://jquery.com/},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-01},
-  license    = {MIT},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/jquery/jquery},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{The jQuery Team}},
+  date         = {2006-01},
+  title        = {jQuery},
+  url          = {https://jquery.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-01},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {MIT},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/jquery/jquery},
-  author     = {Jörn Zaefferer and Markus Staab and Brahim Arkni},
-  date       = {2006},
-  title      = {jQuery Validation},
-  url        = {https://jqueryvalidation.org/},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-02},
-  license    = {MIT},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/jquery-validation/jquery-validation},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Jörn Zaefferer and Markus Staab and Brahim Arkni},
+  date         = {2006},
+  title        = {jQuery Validation},
+  url          = {https://jqueryvalidation.org/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-02},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {MIT},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/jquery-validation/jquery-validation},
-  author     = {{The Apache Software Foundation}},
-  title      = {Apache Tomcat},
-  url        = {http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/index.html},
-  date       = {1999},
-  license    = {Apache-2.0},
-  repository = {https://github.com/apache/tomcat/tree/9.0.x},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-02},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
-  version    = {9.0},
+  author       = {{The Apache Software Foundation}},
+  title        = {Apache Tomcat},
+  url          = {http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/index.html},
+  date         = {1999},
+  license      = {Apache-2.0},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/apache/tomcat/tree/9.0.x},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-02},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  version      = {9.0},
-  author     = {{Red Hat, Inc.}},
-  date       = {2008-02},
-  title      = {WildFly},
-  url        = {https://www.wildfly.org/},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-03},
-  license    = {LGPL-2.1},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Red Hat, Inc.}},
+  date         = {2008-02},
+  title        = {WildFly},
+  url          = {https://www.wildfly.org/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-03},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {LGPL-2.1},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly},
-  author    = {{The Apache Software Foundation}},
-  title     = {\emph{Request Process Flow}},
-  url       = {https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/architecture/requestProcess/request-process.png},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-04},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{The Apache Software Foundation}},
+  title        = {\emph{Request Process Flow}},
+  url          = {https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/architecture/requestProcess/request-process.png},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-04},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{Oracle Corporation}},
-  title      = {MySQL},
-  url        = {https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/},
-  date       = {1995-05},
-  license    = {GPL-2.0},
-  repository = {https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-05},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
-  version    = {8.0},
+  author       = {{Oracle Corporation}},
+  title        = {MySQL},
+  url          = {https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/},
+  date         = {1995-05},
+  license      = {GPL-2.0},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  version      = {8.0},
-  author     = {{Oracle Corporation}},
-  date       = {2007-01},
-  title      = {Oracle VM VirtualBox},
-  url        = {https://www.virtualbox.org/},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-05},
-  license    = {GPL-2.0},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://www.virtualbox.org/browser/vbox/trunk},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Oracle Corporation}},
+  date         = {2007-01},
+  title        = {Oracle VM VirtualBox},
+  url          = {https://www.virtualbox.org/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {GPL-2.0},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://www.virtualbox.org/browser/vbox/trunk},
-  author    = {{Cloudinary}},
-  title     = {\emph{Image and Video Upload, Storage, Optimization and CDN}},
-  url       = {https://cloudinary.com/},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Cloudinary}},
+  title        = {\emph{Image and Video Upload, Storage, Optimization and CDN}},
+  url          = {https://cloudinary.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {{PayPal}},
-  title     = {\emph{Braintree | Online Payment Solutions and Global Payment Processor}},
-  url       = {https://www.braintreepayments.com/},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{PayPal}},
+  title        = {\emph{Braintree | Online Payment Solutions and Global Payment Processor}},
+  url          = {https://www.braintreepayments.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{Bootstrap Team}},
-  date       = {2011-08},
-  title      = {Bootstrap},
-  url        = {https://getbootstrap.com/},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-05},
-  license    = {MIT},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Bootstrap Team}},
+  date         = {2011-08},
+  title        = {Bootstrap},
+  url          = {https://getbootstrap.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {MIT},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap},
-  author    = {{Htmlstream}},
-  date      = {2018},
-  title     = {Front},
-  url       = {https://htmlstream.com/templates/front/},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Htmlstream}},
+  date         = {2018},
+  title        = {Front},
+  url          = {https://htmlstream.com/templates/front/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author     = {{Canonical Ltd}},
-  date       = {2004-10},
-  title      = {Ubuntu Server},
-  url        = {https://ubuntu.com/},
-  urldate    = {2020-10-05},
-  owner      = {lorenzo},
-  repository = {https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu},
-  timestamp  = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {{Canonical Ltd}},
+  date         = {2004-10},
+  title        = {Ubuntu Server},
+  url          = {https://ubuntu.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu},
-  author    = {Chung, Kin-man},
-  date      = {2013-05-31},
-  title     = {{JavaServer Pagesâ„¢ Specification}},
-  language  = {english},
-  url       = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jsp-2_3-mrel2-eval-spec/JSP2.3MR.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  version   = {2.3},
-  abstract  = {JSP technology is focused on simplifying the generation of dynamic web content. The JSP 2.0 specification (JSR-152) substantially extended the technology by integrating a simple yet powerful expression language, simplifying the tag extension API, and enhancing the pure XML syntax, among other important enhancements. These enhancements greatly reduced the learning curve of the technology, warranting a major version number upgrade.},
-  file      = {:- JavaServer Pagesâ„¢Specification.pdf:PDF},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Chung, Kin-man},
+  date         = {2013-05-31},
+  title        = {{JavaServer Pagesâ„¢ Specification}},
+  language     = {english},
+  url          = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jsp-2_3-mrel2-eval-spec/JSP2.3MR.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  version      = {2.3},
+  abstract     = {JSP technology is focused on simplifying the generation of dynamic web content. The JSP 2.0 specification (JSR-152) substantially extended the technology by integrating a simple yet powerful expression language, simplifying the tag extension API, and enhancing the pure XML syntax, among other important enhancements. These enhancements greatly reduced the learning curve of the technology, warranting a major version number upgrade.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  file         = {:- JavaServer Pagesâ„¢Specification.pdf:PDF},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {Burns, Ed and Chan, Shing Wai},
-  date      = {2017-07},
-  title     = {{Javaâ„¢ Servlet Specification}},
-  language  = {english},
-  url       = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/servlet-4-final-eval-spec/servlet-4_0_FINAL.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  version   = {4.0},
-  abstract  = {The primary goal of this JSR is to expose support for the upcoming IETF standard HTTP/2 to users of the Servlet API. A secondary goal is to refresh the Servlet API with to achieve compliance with new features in HTTP 1.1 as well as responding to community input.},
-  file      = {:- Javaâ„¢ Servlet Specification.pdf:PDF},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Burns, Ed and Chan, Shing Wai},
+  date         = {2017-07},
+  title        = {{Javaâ„¢ Servlet Specification}},
+  language     = {english},
+  url          = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/servlet-4-final-eval-spec/servlet-4_0_FINAL.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  version      = {4.0},
+  abstract     = {The primary goal of this JSR is to expose support for the upcoming IETF standard HTTP/2 to users of the Servlet API. A secondary goal is to refresh the Servlet API with to achieve compliance with new features in HTTP 1.1 as well as responding to community input.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  file         = {:- Javaâ„¢ Servlet Specification.pdf:PDF},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {Chung, Kin-man},
-  date      = {2013-04-29},
-  title     = {{Expression Language Specification}},
-  language  = {english},
-  url       = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/el-3_0-fr-eval-spec/EL3.0.FR.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  version   = {3.0},
-  abstract  = {The Expression Language (EL), has been part of JSP specification since JSP 2.0. It enables a JSP or JSF application to access and manipulate application objects or managed beans without Java codes. In Java EE 6, EL is an integrated component in CDI (Context and Dependency Injection for Java EE, JSR 299), and it allows direct use of CDI components in JSP or JSF.},
-  file      = {:- Expression Language Specification.pdf:PDF},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Chung, Kin-man},
+  date         = {2013-04-29},
+  title        = {{Expression Language Specification}},
+  language     = {english},
+  url          = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/el-3_0-fr-eval-spec/EL3.0.FR.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  version      = {3.0},
+  abstract     = {The Expression Language (EL), has been part of JSP specification since JSP 2.0. It enables a JSP or JSF application to access and manipulate application objects or managed beans without Java codes. In Java EE 6, EL is an integrated component in CDI (Context and Dependency Injection for Java EE, JSR 299), and it allows direct use of CDI components in JSP or JSF.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  file         = {:- Expression Language Specification.pdf:PDF},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {Bucek, Pavel},
-  date      = {2014-08-05},
-  title     = {{Javaâ„¢ API for WebSocket}},
-  language  = {english},
-  url       = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/websocket-1_1-mrel-eval-spec/websocket-1.1-maintenance-release-final.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  version   = {1.1},
-  abstract  = {The Java API for WebSocket JSR will define a standard API for creating WebSocket applications.},
-  file      = {:Bucek2014 - Javaâ„¢ API for WebSocket.pdf:PDF},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Bucek, Pavel},
+  date         = {2014-08-05},
+  title        = {{Javaâ„¢ API for WebSocket}},
+  language     = {english},
+  url          = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/websocket-1_1-mrel-eval-spec/websocket-1.1-maintenance-release-final.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  version      = {1.1},
+  abstract     = {The Java API for WebSocket JSR will define a standard API for creating WebSocket applications.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  file         = {:Bucek2014 - Javaâ„¢ API for WebSocket.pdf:PDF},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {DeMichiel, Linda and Jungmann, Lukas},
-  date      = {2017-07},
-  title     = {{JSR 338: Javaâ„¢ Persistence API}},
-  language  = {english},
-  url       = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/persistence-2_2-mrel-eval-spec/JavaPersistence.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  version   = {2.2},
-  abstract  = {The Java Persistence API is the Java API for the management of persistence and object/relational mapping in Java EE and Java SE environments.},
-  file      = {:DeMichiel2017 - JSR 338_ Javaâ„¢ Persistence API.pdf:PDF},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {DeMichiel, Linda and Jungmann, Lukas},
+  date         = {2017-07},
+  title        = {{JSR 338: Javaâ„¢ Persistence API}},
+  language     = {english},
+  url          = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/persistence-2_2-mrel-eval-spec/JavaPersistence.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  version      = {2.2},
+  abstract     = {The Java Persistence API is the Java API for the management of persistence and object/relational mapping in Java EE and Java SE environments.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  file         = {:DeMichiel2017 - JSR 338_ Javaâ„¢ Persistence API.pdf:PDF},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {Ferrara, Claudio Davide},
-  date      = {2019-05-09},
-  title     = {{Java EE: il trademark rimane ad Oracle}},
-  url       = {https://www.html.it/09/05/2019/java-ee-il-trademark-rimane-ad-oracle/},
-  language  = {italian},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
+  author       = {Ferrara, Claudio Davide},
+  date         = {2019-05-09},
+  title        = {{Java EE: il trademark rimane ad Oracle}},
+  url          = {https://www.html.it/09/05/2019/java-ee-il-trademark-rimane-ad-oracle/},
+  language     = {italian},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
-  author    = {Delisle, Pierre},
-  date      = {2006-05-08},
-  title     = {{JavaServer Pagesâ„¢ Standard Tag Library}},
-  language  = {english},
-  url       = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jstl-1.2-mrel2-eval-oth-JSpec/jstl-1_2-mrel2-spec.pdf},
-  urldate   = {2020-10-05},
-  version   = {1.2},
-  abstract  = {A standard tag library for JSPâ„¢ pages.},
-  file      = {:Delisle2006 - JavaServer Pagesâ„¢ Standard Tag Library.pdf:PDF},
-  owner     = {lorenzo},
-  timestamp = {2020-10-05},
-	author = {Levithan,  Steven},
-	date = {2007-05},
-	title = {XRegExp},
-	url = {http://xregexp.com/},
-	urldate = {2020-10-05},
-	license = {MIT},
-	owner = {lorenzo},
-	timestamp = {2020-10-05},
-	repository = {https://github.com/slevithan/xregexp},
+  author       = {Delisle, Pierre},
+  date         = {2006-05-08},
+  title        = {{JavaServer Pagesâ„¢ Standard Tag Library}},
+  language     = {english},
+  url          = {https://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/jcp/jstl-1.2-mrel2-eval-oth-JSpec/jstl-1_2-mrel2-spec.pdf},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  version      = {1.2},
+  abstract     = {A standard tag library for JSPâ„¢ pages.},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  file         = {:Delisle2006 - JavaServer Pagesâ„¢ Standard Tag Library.pdf:PDF},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  author       = {Levithan, Steven},
+  date         = {2007-05},
+  title        = {XRegExp},
+  url          = {http://xregexp.com/},
+  urldate      = {2020-10-05},
+  creationdate = {2020-10-05T00:00:00},
+  license      = {MIT},
+  owner        = {lorenzo},
+  repository   = {https://github.com/slevithan/xregexp},
 @Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:biblatex;}